
A tourist explores the Sibillini Mountains National Park in the Marche region, captivated by the majesty of the mountains, the nature trails, and the stunning views. He wants to know more: when the park was established, the species of flora and fauna that inhabit it, and the legends associated with these places, but he finds no information. Noticing a protected area under restoration, he feels the desire to contribute by making a donation to help preserve the beauty that has inspired him, but he has no way to do so.

The solution? amuseapp.

More than just an audio guide

amuseapp is the platform that allows cultural sites (museums, historic villages, parks, and places of worship) to tell their stories to every visitor in the right language, increasing revenue and donations.

With no fixed costs.

Nature is a work of art!

Provide tourists with a customizable multilingual audio guide.

Explain the species of flora and fauna that inhabit the park and much more.

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Multilingual and customizable audio guide

Only 20% of cultural sites distribute their content in more than two languages. Thanks to artificial intelligence, amuseapp can generate text and audio in 30 languages, making cultural heritage accessible to everyone.

Why offer everyone the same audio guide? amuseapp automatically generates itineraries suitable for different types of visitors (e.g., children, sensory disabilities, experts, etc.).

What if there’s no connection?

Visitors can download content in areas of the park where a connection is available or connect to a free Wi-Fi network.

Once downloaded, the content can be accessed offline throughout the visit, ensuring a smooth and continuous experience without interruptions.

With amuseapp, you can collect donations from your visitors directly from their smartphones.

  1. At the end of the visit, visitors are given the opportunity to leave a donation, ranging from €2 to €2,000, directly through the app.
  2. Marketing support from our experts to build the right donation collection strategy.

Real-time Virtual Guide

In an increasingly multicultural world, nothing is taken for granted, and producing content suitable for everyone is not easy.

amuseapp provides visitors with a virtual tour guide that allows them to ask any questions.

The response is generated based on your content but can also include filtered information available online.

Would you like to implement amuseapp in a park?

Are you on board? We can’t wait to tell everyone!

Our team will create marketing materials (posters, flyers, displays, stickers, etc.) to promote amuseapp at your cultural site, signaling to your visitors the opportunity to enjoy a personalized visit experience and contribute with a donation.

A turnkey product in 7 days.

Don’t have time to build the content for your museum or adapt it to amuseapp yourself?

No problem: our team will create the visit itinerary for you based on your insights or material collected from various sources (recordings of guided tours, catalogs, websites, books, etc.).

Zero fixed costs: you only pay if you earn

You can choose to sell the audio guide to your visitors at the price you deem appropriate. amuseapp will receive a share of the revenue and a percentage of the donations.

Prefer to purchase amuseapp with a fixed annual fee? No problem: we will find the solution that best fits your needs.

Why choose amuseapp

Without an audio guide
Traditional audio guide
Audio guide service
(AI-powered, more cost-effective)
Mobile app for visitors
Multilingual translation
(AI-powered, more cost-effective)
Multimedia content (videos, AR, etc.)
Quick and free activation
(a few days)
Personalized content for every audience
(AI-powered, more cost-effective)
Content update anytime
In-app donation collection and crowdfunding campaigns
Customer satisfaction analysis
In-app ticket urchases

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