places of worship

A tourist visits the Basilica of Saint Anthony of Padua. He walks through the nave, captivated. He stops in front of a breathtaking fresco, overcome with emotion.

He wants to know who painted it or when it was created, but he can’t find any information.

He’d like to leave a donation, a small contribution to support the church and help restore the fresco that moved him so deeply.

But there’s a problem:

He doesn’t have any cash on him.

The solution? amuseapp.

More than just an audio guide. 

amuseapp is the platform that helps cultural venues connect with every visitor in the right way, while increasing donations.

And there’s no upfront cost.

Churches are works of art!

Give church visitors a multilingual, customizable audio guide.

Explain the architectural style of the building, and share the history of the frescoes and other works of art inside.

Do you manage a cultural venue?

Start using amuseapp today

Multilingual and customizable audio guide

Only 20% of cultural venues offer content in more than two languages. With amuseapp, powered by artificial intelligence, you can provide content in 30 languages, making cultural heritage accessible to everyone.

Why give everyone the same audio guide? amuseapp automatically generates itineraries tailored to different types of visitors (for example, children, sensory-disabled visitors, experts, etc.).

Collect Donations via visitors' smartphones

In a world that’s increasingly cashless, how can churches miss out on valuable donations just because they don’t have a digital donation system?

With amuseapp, you can collect donations directly from visitors’ smartphones.

  1. At the end of the tour, visitors are offered the chance to donate.
  2. Donations from €2 to €2,000, directly through the app.
  3. Marketing support from our experts to build the best donation strategy.
amuseapp donation interface

Real-Time Virtual Guide

In an increasingly multicultural world, nothing can be taken for granted, and it’s not easy to create content that suits everyone.

amuseapp offers church visitors a virtual tour guide, allowing them to ask any question.

The answer is generated based on your content but can also include appropriately filtered information from online sources.

Do you manage a cultural venue?

Start using amuseapp today

Are you with us? Let’s make sure everyone knows!

Our team will create marketing materials (posters, flyers, displays, stickers, etc.) to promote amuseapp in your church, letting visitors know they can enjoy a personalized tour and contribute with a donation.

A Turnkey Product in Just 7 Days

Don’t have time to create content for your museum or adapt it to amuseapp?

No problem: our team will build the tour for you, using your input or materials gathered from various sources (a recorded guided tour, catalogs, your website, a book, etc.).

No fixed costs: you only pay if you earn

You can choose to sell the audio guide to visitors at a price you see fit. amuseapp takes a share of the revenue and a percentage of the donations.

Prefer to buy amuseapp with an annual fixed cost? No problem: we’ll find the solution that best meets your needs.

Why choose amuseapp

Without an audio guide
Traditional audio guide
Audio guide service
(AI-powered, more cost-effective)
Mobile app for visitors
Multilingual translation
(AI-powered, more cost-effective)
Multimedia content (videos, AR, etc.)
Quick and free activation
(a few days)
Personalized content for every audience
(AI-powered, more cost-effective)
Content update anytime
In-app donation collection and crowdfunding campaigns
Customer satisfaction analysis
In-app ticket urchases

Want to implement amuseapp in a place of worship?

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